
Wenn Brandenburgs SEK aufmuskelt – Nach Todesstich in Ludwigsfelde: Festnahme im Flüchtlingsheim

Am Einheitswochende hat ein Jugendlicher Flüchtling einen anderen in Ludwigsfelde erstochen. Doch der Einsatz des Brandenburger SEK zu Festnahme des mutmaßlichen Täters wirft Fragen auf. Es geht um Polizeigewalt. Potsdam – Für die Jugendlichen in der Asylunterkunft für unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge in Ludwigsfelde (Teltow-Fläming) bleibt dieser 2. Oktober in Erinnerung. Nicht nur, weil einer von ihnen, ein Afghane und ehemaliger Heimbewohner, zwei Kilometer entfernt in einem Park erstochen wurde. Und nicht nur weil einer der Mitbewohner seither wegen dringenden Tatverdachts in Untersuchungshaft sitzt. Sondern auch wegen der Umstände, wie Ebrima J., ein 17-Jähriger aus Gambia, in der vom Evangelischen Jugendwerk…

There’s a lot of chatter about ‘stop and frisk.’ Here are the facts.

In the last two weeks, some Americans have heard more about a controversial New York City Police Department tactic — “stop and frisk” — than possibly ever before. A whole host of conservative ideologues, elected officials and others have stepped forward to defend the Trump-Pence campaign’s claims that that tactic is an essential crime prevention tool uniquely capable of fending off anarchy and saving lives in crime-ridden communities. That’s what the Trump-Pence campaign continues to say even when confronted with the fact that a federal court ruled in 2013 that the way New York City police officers used the tactic…

Intersecting Criminalization: What Killed Ugandan Refugee Alfred Olango

To flee from a war zone, only to be met with a fatal police bullet on the other side of the world: It’s an uncomfortable, truncated narrative of an abbreviated life. This was how Alfred Olango’s life concluded late last month, at the intersection of many forces of violence that converged at a San Diego suburb, in a scene that braided strands of war, policing, race and migration. A diasporic history caught up to him in the moment the police extinguished his life, but he had spent years in various states of escape. He was finally ensnared by a system…

Supreme court to address Duane Buck’s ‘racially tainted’ death sentence

Duane Buck attended in 1997 the sentencing hearing in Texas that would seal his fate. The jury was being asked to decide whether to have him executed for killing his former girlfriend, Debra Gardner, and her friend Kenneth Butler. There was no disputing the conviction – Buck had carried out the brutal murders on 30 July 1995. Even so, he was still astonished by what he heard coming from the mouth of a so-called “expert” witness. Walter Quijano, a then psychologist who was frequently called to testify in Texas capital trials, was asked to give his professional opinion with regards…

California police kills unarmed African American

A black man was shot in an encounter with police in southern California Tuesday afternoon prompting angry community members to gather around the scene demanding answers as his sister stood by crying hysterically. El Cajon Police say they were called to a parking lot at the Broadway Village Shopping Center at 1pm after being told a 30-year-old man was acting ‘erratically,’ NBC San Diego reported. Rob Ransweiler, El Cajon Police spokesman, said the man did not comply with officers demands and the encounter ended with an officer-involved shooting. It’s unclear if more than one officer opened fire. The unidentified man…

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