In America, black children don’t get to be children

By Stacey Patton Black America has again been reminded that its children are not seen as worthy of being alive — in part because they are not seen as children at all, but as menacing threats to white lives. America does not extend the fundamental elements of childhood to black boys and girls. Black childhood is considered innately inferior, dangerous and indistinguishable from black adulthood. Black children are not afforded the same presumption of innocence as white children, especially in life-or-death situations.

Why is America celebrating the beating of a black child?

By Stacy Patton A mom’s violence won’t keep her son safe. It’s not surprising that a black mother in Baltimore who chased down, cursed and beat her 16-year-old son in the middle of a riot has been called a hero. In this country, when black mothers fulfill stereotypes of mammies, angry and thwarting resistance to a system designed to kill their children, they get praised. “He gave me eye contact,” Toya Graham told CBS News. “And at that point, you know, not even thinking about cameras or anything like that — that’s my only son and at the end of…

Killing the Future: The Theft of Black Life

In December 2014, 10 mothers whose children were killed by police held a rally in front of the US Department of Justice. Chavis was there and said into the megaphone, “None of us are safe. Law enforcement around the United States is brutalizing, arresting and murdering.” A large group surrounded her with signs and candles. One by one the mothers spoke. Some had fought for years like Chavis, who started a petition, now 35,000 signatures strong, to send to former Attorney General Eric Holder, or Valerie Bell, whose son Sean was shot dead by New York City Police Department (NYPD)…

»Wer uns auslacht, der wird festgenommen«

Prozess um einen Polizeieinsatz vor einem Jahr im Görlitzer Park Es ist schon ein teuflischer Paragraf, der § 113 des StGB: Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte. Da kann man ganz schnell in etwas hineingeraten, was so eigentlich gar nicht stattgefunden hat.

Farbiger wehrt sich gegen angeblich rassistische Kontrollen

Prozess um „Racial Profiling“ in Köln Ein Heilpraktiker aus dem Ruhrgebiet hat die Bundespolizei verklagt. Allein wegen seiner dunklen Hautfarbe sei er immer wieder grundlos von Polizisten kontrolliert worden, sagt er. Das Kölner Verwaltungsgericht muss nun entscheiden. Von Clemens Schminke–racial-profiling–in-koeln-farbiger-wehrt-sich-gegen-angeblich-rassistische-kontrollen,15187530,30549630.html