Ferguson police

Policing the Police

Could Ferguson Win Its Case Against the Justice Department? February 11, 2016/ by Sarah Childress Senior Digital Reporter, FRONTLINE Enterprise Journalism Group A few weeks ago, it seemed like Ferguson, Mo. might actually enter into an agreement to overhaul its police and city court. City officials had reached a tentative agreement with the Justice Department in January to implement widespread reforms, including retraining police officers, restructuring the city court and removing rules in the city code that police had used almost exclusively to penalize African-Americans. Now, change in the city that helped give rise to the Black Lives Matter movement following the police shooting…

U.S.: Some in Ferguson Who Are Part of Problem Are Asked to Help Solve It

A report on civil rights violations and how various police and justice departments collude to uphold the rights of the whites agains the blak and poc populations By JOHN ELIGON and MATT APUZZOMARCH 5, 2015 FERGUSON, Mo. — When Mayor James Knowles III announced Wednesday that one official had been fired and two others were under investigation in connection with racist emails, he said that the behavior was “in no way representative” of the city or its employees. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/06/us/in-ferguson-some-who-are-part-of-problem-are-asked-to-be-part-of-solution.html?action=click&contentCollection=Middle%20East&region=Footer&module=TopNews&pgtype=article see also Report: What Is Wrong With the Ferguson Police Department? http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/03/04/us/ferguson-police-racial-discrimination.html Read the whole REPORTferguson-police-department-report Another Report from FRONTLINE on…